Monday, May 24, 2010

I hate bananas.

I hate bananas. I despise them, really. I hate the taste, loathe the smell, and the consistency nauseates me. But they are quite high in potassium, and runners need that (so are oranges, just sayin'). So almost to a man, runners love bananas. Except me. They hand out bananas like government cheese at races. Bananas and brown apples. Yuk. Prolly will have lots of bananas and brown apples and all that stuff at Bayshore, which I am not talking about anymore. I hurt everywhere. No lie. I can barely walk half of the time. My back is killing me. 800 of advil 3 times a day is barely touching me. But. I will finish. I leave on Friday.

Had a patient this week who had a potassium level of 1.8 (very, very low). Yikes! Heart rate was a little erratic, but nothing major, still, I kept a close watch. I dumped lots of IV potassium into her through her little peripheral IV. And her little IV held up. Until it didn't. So I started a new one. And it held up. Until it didn't. And so I paged her doc. When he called me back, I asked for a PICC line (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter). I explained the situation (potassium is highly caustic and burns up little veins, and this patient needed tons of potassium), and he agreed that she should have a PICC. "Thank you" I said. "No, thank YOU", he said with utter grace. I understood what he meant. Three small words and I felt better about my nursing career than I have in a good long while.

Still not thinking about the marathon. Nope. Not at all.


  1. Bananas are funny things. Too green? Tasteless. Too ripe? Mush. They are marvelous for only a brief moment in time...'bout as long as a blink of the eye.

    Now, mangos? Mangos are a whole nother matter. Mangos be sexy thangs.

    Oh, my, YES!

    Bayshore awaits! (You'll do just fine)

  2. I make a killer mango salsa. Sweet, spicy, a little tart -- if salsa were a woman, this one would be the femme fatale.

    Thanks, Jon. I am waaay deep into taper madness. ugh.
