Tuesday, March 23, 2010

This week's running

3.5 - 4 miles yesterday. I ran harder than I should have, knowing that today I was facing 11 miles. Those 11 turned into 10.

10 miles today. I made them. I walked some. Runners need to eat. Runners need to think of food as fuel, and we need to feed the machine. But I couldn't stomach anything yesterday, or even today, and I didn't eat much over the weekend, so my run wasn't up to par. I am not going to argue if there is some weight loss, but really, I know better than this. I keep saying that. I just don't follow through. Maybe some of my hard-core is gone. Maybe the laser-focus that I need is just spread throughout too many places. I don't know.

I made my miles. At least my commitment is that strong. At least my focus is that focused. I need something to center my days. I have running. No matter what, I will run.

Total miles: 3.5 miles
Total miles: 10 miles
Total for week: 13.5 miles

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