Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sarah Sees Her Mechanic

My physical mechanic, that's what I call Greg. Done got the chassis worked on today, yes I did. From my lower back on down, I got kneaded, rubbed, pushed, pulled and maneuvered. My adductors (all of them) hate me. They got thoroughly probed and prodded. Thank goodness Greg has mastered that draping of the blanket thing, cause he was up close where I am personal and you can't wear your skivvies when you visit the mechanic. I think I feel better, tho. I know that my range of motion is better. Tomorrow I will need some ice and advil, and I know that I will be tender and sore in some spots, but a lot of the "stickiness" is gone. I have my stretching orders in hand and another appointment in three weeks.

Ten miles on the treadmill today. 2 mile warm up, followed by 8 x 3/4 mile repeats, with .10 mile recovery. I ended with about a mile of cooldown. I ran inside because my allergies are horrible and I have 20 miles to do this weekend. I decided that further triggering my allergies wasn't really in my long run's best interest, so Pink Shuffle and I suffered along indoors instead.

Total: 10 miles
Total for week: 24.5 miles

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