Tuesday, March 9, 2010


EAM. That is medical-speak for Early AM. Meaning, morning labwork drawn at about 4 or 5 in the morning. EAM.

I ran EAM. I don't usually wake up and run at this time, although I need to...I used to do it several days a week. I ran before work. I ran in the dark-to-light hours. I like running during the moments when the birds wake. I do. I like running in the tranquil time.

And so I ran this morning in the tranquil time. 4.5 miles with a hard finish. I felt good -- fairly strong. I didn't sleep much the night before, but, well, I can't really complain about that. I really needed a decent run to blur the edges of that last hard long run. I feel better about my fitness today, not by much, just a smidge, but better. And I kind of liked the fatigued feeling in my legs, until hour 9 rolled around. The problem with running before work, for me, is that I am up and moving and on my feet for a 13 hour work day. I do get maybe a 30 minute lunch, but that isn't a given. I have hope that as I continue to run pre-work, my legs will just get over being tired and sign onto the program.

At least that is what I am telling myself will happen.

Total: 4.5
Total for week: 4.5

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