Friday, March 19, 2010

Oops. I was a bad Mama today.

Or maybe not. We played hooky. I had a HORRIFIC day yesterday -- I came in to work on my day off for 6 hours (which turned into 7 hours) to cover for someone. And then I went to court to yet again confront my ex, this time about a contract to sell the house that he wouldn't sign. 45 minutes turned into 3 hours. I didn't get home until almost 8pm. My son, who came home from college to babysit, kept the small people safe until I got back. We ordered pizza, delivery. We almost never do that -- one of those single mom things. Anyway, I decided that we needed to have a good end to the week. So we played hooky. Kept the girls home from school, we all slept late, I went for a run when College Boy arrived. Nice little run, too. And then, the small people and I went for pedicures. Yep...I took 6 and 8 for their first pedicures. They loved it! How much fun it is to completely pamper your little bundles of estrogen. Kids pick great and purple. The nail techs gave everyone a design on our big toenails. Fabulous! I did, however, get chided by the nail tech about the state of my hands, which have been sorely neglected for the past several years. I may have to bite the bullet and get some serial manicures until things shape up. What a terrible thing to be forced to do. Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of fluffing, puffing, and polish to make things better.

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