Monday, March 1, 2010

Running Repeats

I hate speedwork. I am the biggest baby in the world. If it hurts, I don't like it. If it requires lots of effort, I want out. But there is this little, tiny, ferocious bit of glitter that lives in me somewhere. It isn't actually a spine, because I think I lack that; instead it is some sort of sparkly hard-headedness that appears at odd moments and gives me direction. And so, I had a sparkly sort of run today.

I was expecting a horrible run. I was/am having residual ex issues of a highly frustrating kind. (I get all of the equity out of the house -- nice house, wanna buy it??-- and he won't sign a contract. We have had 3 offers, and he won't sign. The courts won't help and move too slowly, so I get screwed from all directions. Makes me crazy. And frustrated. Therefore I cry. Because, really, what else is there to do??) I have never run well when I am upset. Frequently, I blow off a run when I am too emotional, because I know that I will quit within the first few miles anyway. I just can't keep my head in the game, can't get to that running zone. Anger and frustration keep me too much in the here and now to have any sort of decent run. But, I have made the decision to commit to running Bayshore. And I am OCD enough to have that kind of decision matter. Really matter. That is where that little, tiny nugget of IN YOUR FACE glitter comes into play. My running schedule becomes my bible. If I am supposed to do it, I WILL do it, no matter what. No matter if I have to crawl. And so I had a sparkle-run today.

I do repeats on the treadmill at this time of year. All the HS tracks are in use during the day when it is most opportune for me to run. I kind of think that treadmill running is cheating, but on the other hand, it is much harder than outdoor running. The treadmill moves for you, and you don't get the resistance of incline and wind and all the other outdoor stuff. Yet, you have to deal with monotony, impact, and monotony. I don't use the incline on the 'mill, because every time that I do, I get a whopping case of Plantar Fasciitis (PF). Did I mention the monotony? Today was supposed to be 6 miles, with 6 1/2 mile repeats of increasing speed. Doesn't that sound intense? I'm going to go with that, cause it sounds cool....HA!

So, Pink Shuffle and I took our pissed-off selves to the Y and hopped on the treadmill expecting the worst. 2 mile warm up. I like the music. Ponytail is twirling (always a good sign), and my heart rate isn't climbing much. Sooooo....Let's do 7 repeats. Just cause I feel good, and I don't often feel good. Pink Shuffle is happy, I am running and happy, and all is well with the world. Well, except for my hamstring, the one that got twitchy and sore during my soggy 14 miler. Might have to see Greg, massage therapist dude, about that. Still, Pink Shuffle and I nicely clocked 7x1/2 mile repeats today. Easy-peasy, ponytail-twirling, sparkly repeats. 7 miles total, including warm up and cool down. Yay me.

Total miles: 7
Total for week:7

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